Nurse » Required Screenings

Required Screenings

Vision, Hearing, and Spinal Screening
The Texas Department of State Health Services Vision, Hearing and Spinal Screening requirements mandate that all children must be screened or have a professional examination for possible vision, hearing  and spinal curvature problems.

The Vision and Hearing requirements apply each year for children enrolled in any licensed child-care center and licensed child care home or school program at the ages or grades listed below:

  • Children who turn 4-years-old by September 1, Kindergartners or any other first-time entrants (4 years through 12th grade) - screening must be done within 120 days of admission
  • 1st, 3rd, 5th and 7th graders - screening must be done anytime within the school year (preferably within 120 days)

The requirements for Spinal Screening apply each year for all children who attend public and private schools, to detect abnormal spinal curvature in accordance with the following schedule:

  • Girls (two times) - screening must be done at age 10 (or fall semester of grade 5) and age 12 (or fall semester of grade 7)
  • Boys (one time) - age 13 or 14 (or fall semester of grade 8)